你好,徐工GTBZ18A1曲臂式高空作业平台的性能特点是: 产品亮点 Product Highlights (1) 超强路面适应Strong Road Adaptability 四轮驱动、越野宽胎及新型车桥浮动技术,驱动强劲,路面适应能力强,最大爬坡度45%,业内最高水平。 With four-wheel drive, off-road wide tires and new axle floating technology, the drive is superior, and the road adaptability is strong, with the maximum grade ability of 45%, reaching to the highest level in the industry. (2) 精准高效作业Accurate and Efficient Operation “Σ”型联动折叠混合臂设计,整车布置紧凑,尾摆小,方便存储和进入狭小空间作业,臂体伸展灵活,不受区域限制,工作范围大。具备向上,向下和跨越的多方位精准定位功能以及卓越的伸展功能。 “Σ” type linkage folded hybrid boom design; the overall layout is compact and tail swing is small, which is easy to store and access to the narrow space to work; the extending of the boom body is flexible, without regional restrictions and with a wide operating range. It has upward, downward and crossed precise multidirectional positioning functions and excellent extending features. (3)紧凑灵动Compactness and flexibility 整车布置紧凑,运输时采用曲臂回收姿态,运输长度仅有7m;零尾摆设计,方便存储和进入狭小空间作业。 The complete machine is arranged compactly and crank boom recovery gesture is adopted during transportation with transportation length of only 7m; meanwhile, it adopts tailless wagging design, which is convenient for storage and entering into narrow space for operation.
你好,徐工GTJZ0607剪叉式高空作业平台的性能特点是: 产品亮点 Product strength (1)低噪音零排放Low noise and zero release 采用高效节能的电力驱动系统,零排放、低噪音,配置无痕轮胎即使在办公楼、医院、学校等封闭环境也可环保便捷施工。 Energy-efficient electrical drive system is adopted wi...
你好,徐工GTJZ1012剪叉式高空作业平台的性能特点是: 产品亮点 Product Highlights (1)便捷运输平稳操作Convenient transportation and stable operation 可伸缩扩展副平台,具有更大作业空间,配合可折叠围栏,运输移位更方便。行业领先的自动坑洞保护系统,加宽轮距设计,即使在不平整地面,也能让您随心所动。 Scalable as...
你好,徐工GTBZ14J曲臂式高空作业平台的性能特点是: 产品亮点 Product Highlights (1)灵活高效Flexibility and efficiency “Σ型”组合臂架,结构紧凑,伸展灵活,可实现垂直升降、水平伸展,具有极强越障能力;180°可旋转平台,提供更大作业范围;窄型转台,紧凑布局,实现“零尾摆”,提高作业效率。 “Σ-type” double link jib...