你好,方圆SBS15-05-22混凝土拖泵的性能特点是: ——采用先进的S管形式的分配阀,满足细骨料混凝土的泵送。 ——It is adopts S type distribution valve. It satisfies to pump fine aggregate concrete. ——阀箱体采用整体焊接结构,钢性好;眼睛板和耐磨环采用镶嵌硬质合金,耐磨性好,大幅延长其使用寿命。 ——The weary parts are super anti-weary. The super anti-weary glass plates and cutting rings made of hard alloy greatly prolonged thee service life the weary parts, ——液压系统电液控换向,换向冲击小,可靠性更高。 ——Hydraulic system adopts electro-hydraulic control system. It is easy operate with low noise and small vibration. Big moment but small compaction,feature high reliability. ——电气系统采用著名厂家生产的电器元件。性能稳定可靠,寿命长。 ——The electrical components are original imported which feature high reliability. The motor started through special software, having the current low and small compaction the features. ——可靠密封装置设计,主要密封件采用著名厂家生产的优质密封件,密封性能好 ——The reliable sealing device design, the main seal uses the international famous factory production the high quality seal, the sealing property is good.
方圆拖泵是中国品牌。方圆集团恪守“以人为本,科技兴企,产业报国,奉献社会”的经营理念,依靠科技创新,优化产品结构,拓展经营领域,开辟全球市场。集团产品有 JZC 、 JS 系列混凝土搅拌机、 PLD 系列混凝土配料机、 HBT 系列混凝土泵、 HZS 系列混凝土搅拌站、 TC 系列塔式起重机、S C 系列施工升降机、 ZL 系列工程装载机、 WBZ 系列稳定土拌和站、 JZL 系列电动履带式桩机、...